As discussed by Part 1, SEO results in a higher ranking on Google search result pages. Part 2 will cover Schema Markup, Mobile Friendly, and Meta Tags.

3) Schema Markup

Schema gives websites structure, enabling search engines to discover relevant information easier. When used properly, schema markup is capable of increasing the click-through rate (CTR) for your website. Schemas can be used to raise a website’s ranking on Google SERPs (search engine results pages) by clarifying your content. So, clearer website content results in higher SEO ranking.

Main Steps

  • Snippets of detailed information in schema can raise SEO ranking.
  • Wrong or overused data will cause SEO ranking to fall.
  • Using code, schema must be properly formatted to be effective for your website.

4) Mobile Friendly

Studies show that more than 2 billion people worldwide carry out transactions on mobile devices every year. More than 9 in 10 will do a search about a business before visiting. Websites must also be optimized for mobile users. Different screen sizes require proper coding so information is formatted correctly on every device. Making website pages mobile-friendly includes creating an accelerated mobile page (AMP) versions.

Main Steps

  • Use app indexing to make content on mobile apps easier to find.
  • Minimize URLs (pages) or redirects to make it easier to find content.
  • Scrolling down only one page will be faster than going to a menu.
  • Ensure content can adjust to all the different screen sizes of devices.

5) Meta Tags

Although meta rankings do not affect SEO, they can influence click-through rates (CTRs). Clear and attractive meta tag content increases page visits, which will raise SEO  anking.

Main Steps

  • Every webpage should use unique meta tags to help users find content.
  • Meta titles have an ideal length and should not be longer than 62 characters.
  • Meta descriptions should not exceed 156 characters.
  • Titles and headings should be concise.

Progressive Office

Your website is a critical tool for your organization, the best means for declaring who you are and what you do to attract new clients and customers. Specializing in Custom WordPress, Website Designs, Mobile App Development, and Digital Marketing, Progressive Office will help you create a powerful presence on the web. Call our office in Atlanta (470) 430-1777 or Washington, D.C. (202) 462-4290 today.