by progressiveadmin | Jun 5, 2019 | Blog, SEO, Solutions
When you need to find the best place to take your car for a tune up, or if you need to know what store has the best value on the latest in flat screen technology, what do you do? If you are like anyone else in the world today, you search online for exactly what it is...
by progressiveadmin | May 27, 2019 | Blog, Marketing Ideas, Social Media Marketing
While many people link the beginning of social networking to FB (Facebook) it can be traced to 1978 and the creation of the Bulletin Board System or BBS. It seems antiquated now but at the time required modems and telephone lines to allow people to interact. A decade...
by progressiveadmin | May 16, 2019 | Blog, SEO
Staying competitive in today’s world that is driven by technology requires a basic understanding of key components. One of the most important in utilization of the internet to move your business forward is SEO or search engine optimization. While it may seem...
by progressiveadmin | May 7, 2019 | Blog, Marketing Ideas
We live in the internet age and the era of the smart phone. A business without a web presence today is the equivalent of a business without a storefront thirty years ago. It is not enough for a business to simply have a website anymore. With more and more people doing...
by progressiveadmin | Apr 23, 2019 | Blog, Social Media Marketing
Before it became a billion dollar empire, Facebook was designed to be a way for Harvard students to connect with one another. Fast forward fifteen years and it is a social media juggernaut that has spawned many wannabes and spin off sites used by roughly 3 billion...