Why Your School Needs a Mobile App

Why Your School Needs a Mobile App

You are most likely reading this article on your smartphone. Nowadays, smartphones are used for everything, from catching up on social media to performing online banking. With the popularity of smartphones, it makes sense to integrate a mobile app into your school’s...
Top Must-Have Features in a School Mobile App

Top Must-Have Features in a School Mobile App

When did your child’s school last send home a printed newsletter? More and more schools are transitioning to using social media and mobile apps to keep parents informed. Students can also benefit from mobile apps by improving their learning retention and making...
Crucial Elements of Building SEO

Crucial Elements of Building SEO

We live in a time when advanced technology shapes the structure of the world around us.  Today we all carry around a pocket-sized device that has enough advanced technology to launch a satellite into space.  Technology has reached a point where it plays a pivotal role...
Why Does Your School Need a Mobile App?

Why Does Your School Need a Mobile App?

COVID-19 has changed the way that a lot of schools have to operate.  Brick and Mortar schools were completely shut down, but kids need to go to school.  Nothing can change that simple fact.  Children need a proper education.  Obviously, complications arise under these...
Make it POP!!

Make it POP!!

Digital Marketing Throughout the years, we have been able to witness the rise of technological progress and growth.  Computers have gone from a dial-up service that took forever to load up a black screen so MS Dos could be used to find and run a program.  As...